Meet Bermeudah

  • Coming from small beginnings in Midland, M.I. I found my love for music through my first boombox. After turning 3, I set hands on my first electric keyboard. I left my place of birth that same year as my Father relocated my family across the Country. I was constantly in the midst of change; moving states, changing schools, activities, homes; the list goes on and on. I always had a hard time planting my roots.

    Surprisingly, the solitude persuaded me to continue putting my energy into music and I ended up with another keyboard. A Roland. I taught myself how to record arrangements on it and upload them onto floppy disks. Then in 2002, I relocated to the west-side of Cleveland, O.H. That’s where I adopted my alias “Bermuda”, a High School nickname my ex-boyfriend used to call me. Though it still remains a mystery, I figured he got “Bermuda” from just my wardrobe alone. I’m very into 80’s fashion. I spent a lot of time on music during middle and high school. I would sit in my basement working on arrangements.

    As floppys phased out, the final days of my 1990’s workstation were behind and I had already got hands on my first Synthesizer. This was a game changer in 2010 for my music and my future. Two years later I got word my Father was relocating us again, to Atlanta, G.A. I believe it was the 12th move at that point.

    I flourished into my adulthood as an entrepreneur. As time went by I started working with a personal trainer in Atlanta, Kennedy, who helped strengthen my body and build my stamina to get through the long work days. I spent nearly a decade in that lifestyle of hustling, accommodating hundreds of clients. It caused burnout. I suddenly had a need to get away from my stressful entrepreneurial life. I started getting the itch to move on.

    2020 made its entrance and while prices were dirt cheap I traveled all over the U.S. for inspiration. I visited Nashville one year later by request of some friends and-long story short-never left. I settled in West Nashville. It was love at first bite-I found that I love Hot Chicken-and found the balance in my life that I was searching for. I’m so grateful to be doing what I love and fearlessly creating in the art of music… in Music City!